Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Quick Weight Loss Tips - Choose Health Over Rapid Weight Loss

Quick weight loss tips abound on the Internet. Some are helpful while others are very detrimental.

Bad Information Can Hurt You

Losing weight in a short period of time may be a burning desire if you are overweight or obese, rapidly losing weight can be harmful. Your body may suffer ramifications, some severe, if common sense is not used.

Unfortunately, common sense is not very common.

Any drugs used to raise your metabolism can be dangerous. Not following a healthy diet plan just to achieve a slim waistline is not a good idea either.

Remember, your health is much more important than slim thighs.

Healthy Diet Plan

With a little bit of study, rapid fat reduction while eating healthy diet foods is possible. There are raw food detox diets available that can achieve very rapid fat reduction. But they are not the final word.

Many raw food detox diets do not take into consideration the release of toxins from fat as it is being burned. If your body is not functioning at a high level of optimal health you may not be able to excrete these poisons efficiently.

That leads to flu-like symptoms. You don't want that.

Raw Vegetable Diet

A raw vegetable diet may offer a rapid reduction in body fat. But knowledge of which foods help and which hinder your dieting efforts is essential.

A simple mistake like eating avocado may increase the excretion of toxins as stored fat is burned. That will lead to those flu-like symptoms we mentioned.

Placing lemon juice on your salad may do the same thing.

Obviously, making yourself ill just to follow some quick weight loss tips you found on the Internet isn't such a good idea.

The value of quick weight loss tips should be weighed by a health care professional that knows the ins and outs of such an endeavor. Never blunder blindly into any weight loss program.
Dale Heil

Weight Loss - A Self Help Project

Weight loss as a self help or self improvement project. The thought process is between the two are very similar. A person decides that something needs to be changed, identifies the reason for the change and finds a way to make the change.
The reason for the change is usually the driving force that determines the level of commitment to achieving the change. It doesn't matter whether the change is weight loss or any other type of self improvement. If a person is not committed to the project and does not follow a program to achieve his or her goals, any gain will be short lived.
So, what do you need to do if you are thinking about a weight loss program?

1. Think about the reason you believe you need to lose weight. There are as many reasons as there are people in weight loss programs. It could be a cosmetic reason (you want to look better on the beach) or health reason (you need to try to control your blood pressure or reduce your chloestorol). There has to be a reason that makes you willing to work for a long-lasting change.

2. Realize that permanent weight loss requires some king of lifestyle change. At a minimum, you may have to change your diet and/or eating habits. You can't expect permanent loss if you use a program to achieve your weight loss goals and then go back to your old habits. Your old habits are what got you here in the first place. Keep the new habits that helped you get the benefita you wanted.

3. Establish some kind of plan. Your goals may be reached with a change in your diet or eating habits. Many times, it is not what you eat, but how much you eat that makes a difference in the amount of weight you carry around. The old saying "You are what you eat" has some bearing on your weight. If your weight loss is more significant, you may have to include some kind of exercise in your program. The metabolism must be changed to achieve real and permanent weight loss. If you want to make significant changes in your appearance, you should consult with your doctor and find out if there are any underlying medical conditions that would change the plan.
Weight loss is a billion dollar business. There are many, many commercial plans available and many websites that are devoted to helping people lose weight. You can't watch television without seeing some celebrity pushing this plan or that plan. They all encourage a lifestyle change in habits and they all work. They all include diet (sometimes you have to buy the food from the plan) and they should include some form of exercise to strengthen and tone the muscles. You can't get six-pack abs just by dieting. It takes hard and consistent work. If you can afford a commercial program, this might be the way to go.

4. Set some goals. An end result goal is great, but you should set some weekly or monthly goals that show progress toward your ultimate goal. Without visible progress, you will get discouraged and it will be hard to stay focused on your weight loss program. The goals don't always have to be a number of pounds lost. You might try using something more visible, such as loosing a dress size, getting into a pair of jeans as your short term or long term goal. You might try to stay on the stationary bike ten minutes longer or climb two flights of stairs without getting winded as a goal. The point is you have to have something that shows that you are making progress.

5. Figure out how you are going to achieve your goals. You might need to find a place to get some guidance and help in your weight loss program. The YMCA/YWCA usually have equipment available for a small nominal fee. There are lots of commercial gyms available that have equipment and instructors that can help you set up a plan. My greatest success came through a weight training class at a community college. In fact, it was so successful that I took it three quarters in a row. Where you get the help is not as important as consistency

6. Get some support. Self improvement and weight loss results are sometimes easier to get if other people are helping and encouraging you along the way. Most people start and try to stay on a diet alone. Sometimes it works, but usually the diet goes quietly by the wayside. All the commercial programs have a system in place that provides support and encouragement that is needed to achieve permanent changes. Your support group should include your family, friends and co-workers. These groups have more daily contact with you and will have a direct or indirect influence on your success.
Weight loss is always a self-improvement project. To lose weight permanently, changes diet and lifestyle have to be made. Old habits have to be dropped and new habits formed. There is no other way.

REFERENCE<\> Marshall Crum

Weight Loss Problem Areas - Lose Your Love Handles

Love handles is the familiar term for those rolls of fat between your waist and hips and boy can they be stubborn. If you have struggled in the past to lose your love handles and not had much success, you may need to take a new approach.
You see, if you are just doing exercises which target just your abdominal muscles, you are only getting part of it right. You really need to begin with some fairly strenuous exercise,which will get your heart pumping because this this is essential if you want to get rid of fat, and that's what love handles are made of.
So, you will have to do some cardiovascular exercise, but this doesn't mean that you have to join a gym an start to do all sorts of complex exercises. It is possible to get plenty of cardiovascular exercise ever without setting foot in a gym or parting with large sums of money for membership.
Jogging is a great way to get your heart rate up and if you live near a park having a quick daily jog first thing in the morning will get your day off to a good start. If you don't like running or don't live near a green area - pounding the pavements is not good for your knees - you could try riding a bicycle. If you live in a city which isn't very cycle friendly, invest in a stationary bicycle. This is a great way to get exercise and it doesn't matter what the weather is like. You won't have to leave home if it's too cold or pouring down with rain.
If all of this sound like too much hard work, why not think about taking up dancing which is fun, gives the opportunity to meet people and will help you get in shape at the same time.
Of course, riding your stationary or moving bike isn't going to help you much if you are still consuming large amount of fatty food and so a look at your diet is also going to have to be part of your strategy to get rid of love handles.
Eating a healthy diet which is low in fat will help you improve the appearance of your waist and hips. It is important not to starve yourself,which will only mess up your metabolism and make it more difficult to lose weight.
You should focus on eating a healthy mixture of balanced nutrients, including lean meats and poultry, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and some wholegrain products. Cut out as much junk food as you can. The occasional treat won't do you any harm, but make sure that most of what you put in your mouth is healthy.
The final step in your plan to lose your love handles is to do some exercises specifically related to that area.

REFERENCEWaller Jamison

Easy Exercise For Weight Loss - Simplify Your Weight Loss Strategy

When people hear the phrase "exercise for weight loss", they usually think it is going to mean hard work. But it is much safer to start with easy exercise for weight loss. If you haven't been exercising regularly for a long time, starting out with a complex exercise routine will do you more harm than good.
Recently it has been discovered that small amounts of exercise throughout the day is very beneficial to both health and weight loss. So that's good news for everyone who thinks they hate exercise. If you take a different approach, you might even discover you enjoy it.

Walking for Weight Loss
Walking is one of the best exercises for health and also for weight loss and the good news is that it's totally free. You don't need to fork out for an expensive gym membership and you don't need to buy any special clothes. As long as you have loose, comfortable clothing and comfortable shoes, you are all set to go.
You can start out by just walking small distances and then gradually increase this until you are walking for about thirty minutes three times a week or more.
If you are very busy and can't make time for regular exercise sessions, just incorporate a bit of walking into your daily routine. Leave the car at home if you are going a short distance, or park a few blocks away from your destination.

Spring Clean the House

Not many of us really like housework, but it has to be done. So why not decide to give the place a spring clean (or any other seasonal clean). You don't have to do it all at once, but a few sessions of proper cleaning, including the windows, under the beds and behind the cupboards will burn off a few calories. And you'll have the added bonus of feeling extremely virtuous afterwards. And of course, you'll have a clean house.

Spend Some Time Outdoors with the Family or Friends

This will make exercise a lot more fun. You can play games in the park with the kids or with your friends. Kicking a ball around or having a game of rounders can burn up calories without feeling like hard work. If you can make exercise fun, you'll be much more willing to do it. And it has the added advantage of giving you more time with your children, partner or friends. And it's good for them too.


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